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South Georgian Bay Arts Network

The South Georgian Bay (SGB) Arts Network is a new interdisciplinary member-driven organization serving artists who live and work in the South Georgian Bay region. The network is a place for artists from all artistic disciplines to share best practices and explore potential collaborations. Artists and arts organizations are much stronger together than we are apart. This network works to amplify the collective voice of the artistic community and leverage our ability to advocate for space, time and funding needed to support creative work.

Join Us

If you are interested in taking an active role in launching this network by joining the Network Team, please reach out via email at, and we can set up a time to chat.


Get connected to the network and learn more about upcoming events, calls for artists and funding opportunities.

For a community of close to 100,00 people, the Southern Georgian Bay region enjoys one of the largest concentrations of artists in Ontario. The SGB region is brimming with painters, photographers, sculptors, ceramic and textile artists, actors, musicians, dancers, and writers. These talented artists amplify the beauty of our natural environment and create events that allow locals and out-of-town guests to gather to celebrate and create community.

We all know that geographic boundaries are not barriers for artists. Our creative output can reach far beyond the place we choose to live. However, the ability to forge connections, create with, and learn from a local group of artists strengthens the community’s well-being as a whole.

In this spirit, the SGB Arts Network will connect artists, organizations and businesses in the South Georgian Bay (SGB) region to collaborate, support, and empower the arts and culture sector.

Our goal is to:

  • weave together a network of networks,
  • create a branding and marketing campaign to highlight regional arts and culture events, and
  • build an online digital resource hub for the artists of SGB.

The network is part of the Institute of South Georgian Bay and was borne out of The Power of the Arts & Cultural Strategy, released in September 2021.

our partners & funders

Arts & Culture Events

To add an event to our website, click here. Upon review and approval, your event will be added.

SGB Arts Network Membership

The SGB Network members reflect a wide breadth of artists, from emerging artists and students to established artists living and working in the SGB region. Our goal is for the membership and Network Team to have representation of all artistic disciplines and cultural activities, including Crafts, Performing Arts, Design Arts, Festivals and Events, Heritage, Communications Media, Electronic Arts, Literary Arts, and Visual Arts.

Membership Benefits:

  • The Network hosts online and in-person professional development and networking events. These events will feature guest speakers and focus on topics of interest brought forward by our membership.
  • The Network also facilitates a bi-weekly online Network Chat, an informal check-in with members that has become a vital forum to share information and discuss potential issues and opportunities facing the SGB arts community.
  • Members are invited to post about their upcoming events and calls for artists on the Network website. These events will be also be featured in the Network’s monthly newsletter and social media.

We aim to support a full and creative life for artists within the SGB region. We understand that new members must feel included and valued to be engaged. We are committed to ensuring the membership of this network reflects the diversity of cultures and cultural practices of all people living in the region. We will also include diversity, equity, and inclusion practices at the center of our work to establish and grow this new network.

Equity and Inclusion Policy

Network Team & Working Groups

The Network Team is a standing committee established to provide oversight of the Network’s practices to ensure good governance, accountability and transparency. It ensures that the Network fulfills its functional responsibilities through governance policy development, and professional development and network events for members. As our Network Team grows, we will establish project-specific Working Groups (e.g. Events, Membership & Marketing).

Join Us!

If you are interested in taking an active role in launching this network by joining the Network Team, please reach out via email at, and we can set up a time to chat.

The Network Team currently includes:

Erica Angus, Executive Director, Theatre Collingwood

Susan Cook, Executive Director, Blue Mountain Foundation for the Arts

Melissa Twist, Director of Regional Tourism, South Georgian Bay Tourism

Amber Ebert, Network Development Coordinator

South Georgian Bay
Arts Network

Get connected to the network and learn more about upcoming events, calls
for artists and funding opportunities.

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